Ode to My Father, Gram Parsons

Posted by Polly Parsons on

—- If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. -

- N.Tesla 

If you know or love Gram —-

You know there is something painfully soulful about his music that reaches somewhere deep within us that most things just don’t ever seem to quite reach. ...this is energy.

We make note of it and we move along, but somehow, some way, we always come back to it.

When we are joyful or hurting, or feeling nomadic, feeling alive or the need to find grounding again. Gram always reaches out to be heard in these moments. He is a part of life that becomes a touch point. .... this is frequency.

One of joys as we go out into the world, is when we find another person on our journey that feels the same way... we find ourselves asking the question “do you know GP? “ and when their eyes light up, suddenly without question we know have a friend.

I feel that in my own life. The only difference between us is my spiritual duty to carry his memory forward. But I see that’s something we all enjoy doing together as well : )

Which is what brings all of us here. In this moment, and I thank you.

If you think about it. For you and for me, Gram has never been just about his incredible ability to touch us with his songs. Deep down there has always been something more about his being that’s captured our imagination. Was it his irreverence? Or his willingness to dream or his ability to shatter into 1000 pieces in front of us through sound or through thought?

Or his ability to do right or do wrong, and love anyway?
Gram is personal, his legacy is personal, how he touched every one of us is personal. The letters my father would write would often be signed, Sound as Ever, Gram. And all of his style and his flair and his world as I knew it , you will find here.

All that I am, is all that he is.
All that’s he is, is right here for sure.
And that, is vibration.

Sound As Ever,

Polly Parsons


Elements of Blog Cover Photo by Michael Cooper

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  • I fell in love with Gram the first time I heard him sing. He was a beautiful soul. I do genealogy and found he was my 7th cousin. I wish I would have known him.

    Denise Frierson on
  • I fell in love with Gram the first time I heard him sing. He was a beautiful soul. I do genealogy and found he was my 7th cousin. I wish I would have known him.

    Denise Frierson on
  • Just beautiful. I love your dad, and you as well. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    Randy on
  • Like many I suppose, Gram touched my life profoundly when I was a young man. It was in his voice, the lyrics, the soulful duets with EMH, the way his work connected with so many of us. And today, so many years later on my 70th birthday, he still touches me with such enormous energy, pain and yes hope. So love your beautiful tribute to your dad, and rest easy that somewhere that grievous angel is looking after you.
    Rico on
  • Like many I suppose, Gram touched my life profoundly when I was a young man. It was in his voice, the lyrics, the soulful duets with EMH, the way his work connected with so many of us. And today, so many years later on my 70th birthday, he still touches me with such enormous energy, pain and yes hope. So love your beautiful tribute to your dad, and rest easy that somewhere that grievous angel is looking after you.
    Rico on
  • When I would see his albums in someone else’s house, the thrill of a companion’s soul is bared. My most meaningful friendship occurred, when the new band I was auditioning for opened my tape box, saw the first five tapes labeled Gram and Emmy, looking over to me and said, we are going to be great friends. They all lead me back to you. Sound as Ever!

    Curtis Bell on
  • Congratulations Polly on your new endeavor. Just wanted to first pay tribute to Neil Flanz who recently passed away. Neil was a dear friend and we had many good times at steel guitar conventions over the years. Neil would sometimes wear his original Fallen Angels t-shirt to conventions. You likely know this but wanted to point out that on the back of the shirts, Gram put a full color cartoon graphic of Bugs Bunny to underscore what he would always say, that they we’re working for Bugs Bunny, a reference at the time to their record label Warner Brothers. Any chance your reproduction shirts could have that bigs graphic addition the back? Best to you and your partners. – John Brabant, Adamant, VT

    John Brabant on
  • Sweet, darling girl. This is a fantastic creation. I’m Miss Pamela’s friend, and feel I know you through the love she has for you, and the glitter she’d share occasionally. Which candle should I get for each of my daughters?

    Michelle Van Boogie on
  • I am greatly touched by Gram!! Don’t know what happened, but the next thing i knew, I was spending half my year in Landers. Didn’t know about the UFO history until I moved here.
    I’ve learned all of his songs and drive around the desert singing with him all the time, which makes me so happy. He definitely still lives here!!
    After living here for a year, I come to find my neighbors, who are also part timers, were Patrick Mcquinn, Rogers son and his partner!! How twilight zonish is that???

    marie mileto on
  • This is quite beautiful, and your words touch my heart. My connection to your father’s being -I can’t explain. It moves me to go forward with my heart open

    Nancie Liles on

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